In 1964 with much fanfare and congratulations, the Civil Rights Act was passed and signed into law. Some expected discrimination to be banished, particularly from the workplace, and experience, talent and knowledge would determine who was hired and promoted not race, sex, national origin, age, religion or disability.
46 years later, we are “surprised” that far from eliminating discrimination in the workplace it is apparently on the rise. It seems that businesses are getting more mired in the cycle of discrimination than ever before. In the last 20 years as corporations and businesses developed and “mandated” diversity programs and training in their companies, rampant racial discrimination in hiring, promotions and wages is continuing without abatement. Racial harassment claims reported to the federal EEOC have doubled during the same 20 year period and data produced by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics continues to support the contrary impact of corporate diversity programs.
If the Fortune 500 companies can’t get it right, with all the staff and budgets that they have invested in diversity initiatives, does the small business have any chance of escaping increased federal and state enforcement programs?
I believe the answer is a resounding YES, YOU CAN!!!
The problem is that corporate diversity programs seem to have lost the target…the reason for their existence. Corporations are using “diversity” as a marketing tool and looking to see how it impresses and attracts more clients which in turn affects their bottom line. Small business has a more immediate need. Hiring and maintaining an outstanding and productive workforce.
The second motivation for diversity in small businesses is eliminating expensive EEOC complaints and lawsuit. Small businesses can’t support issues with diversity like larger corporations: a $2.5 million settlement for racial harassment (Lockheed Martin); $1.26 million class action lawsuit settlement (Bahama Breeze) or even a $400,000 settlement of a racial harassment charge (Big Lots), but If done correctly, and properly reinforced by owners and managers, diversity in your workplace reaps significant and huge benefits.
Having a workforce that works as a team, operates at a high level of productivity and is cohesive and supportive of each other takes less time to manage, generates better products and services, and improves customer service and creates higher profits.
If you need help reevaluating your diversity plans and programs, or if you don’t have any diversity programs in place, contact someone trained and able to give you a helping hand. Every business regardless of size benefits when they take diversity and equality in the workforce seriously.
Diversity does not need to cost, diversity can save you money and strengthen your business!
Glenn Brown is the CEO of G & J Consultants, LLC. In addition to having directed the HR Department of a health care services company, Glenn is an attorney with 15 years experience assisting businesses of all sizes and industries in complying with employment and labor legal issues. G & J Consultants specializes in providing small and medium sized businesses with traditional HR services as well as compliance with employment laws and regulations.